Flutter Lyon Pressing Sessions | An Insight

As the pressing sessions are a new concept I feel it important to communicate what they are about in a succinct and clear manner. I thought a video piece might be a good way.

Here’s a presentation of the central ideas behind the concept of the sessions plus a short video from a personalised session for Giancarlo de Vera on 24 April 2011.

You can book in for your own pressing session by emailing flutter@viewofcourage.com

x Flutter


The Wonderful World of Ink Pressings with Flutter Lyon.
I was just as nervous as last week but I’m determined to keep going and get better as I make each episode. I also enjoy showing my progress in a real and honest and rare sense. I enjoy the immediacy and imperfection of opening up the artistic and personal process and letting others in.
Anyway, here we go!
Share it with your friends if you wish.